About The Author(s) + Contributing

Toli (Shameless Plug 😉)

FE Infra Book was start by Anatoliy (Toli) Zaslavskiy with the intention of helping other FE architects with system design interviews and to eventually collaborate on the best strategies for building beautiful, scalable apps. And maybe to impress employers 🙃.

Toli is a FE architect with 12y of experience. He started his career in enterprise backends (Federal Reserve Bank, WSJ, Amex), but eventually moved to the startup world. Now he is transitioning to big tech. His passion lies in architecting scalable frontend tools and empowering FE teams to grow!






How I Learned Empathy Through Aspergers

Mental Health in the Workplace

Code Samples (Todo)

OpenGSN, Offchain Whitelisting, Node Queue, PickleJS, API Scraping Watch Me Code, Article on API Scraping, StackOverflow (5k+), Easter Creatures NFT

Personal Story

I'm not an Engineering Manager and have no intention of going that route. What I do bring to the table are:

Staff level IC skills with 12y experience


A career focus on engineering culture

It is my passion, specialty, and mission to write instrastructural frontend code that enables frontend teams to scale quickly and seamlessly. I create tooling, libraries, and architecture, removing all the "boring" boilerplate, massively reducing bugs and technical debt, and most importantly, enabling engineers to work on what they truly enjoy.

But I go a step further. For me, culture is more than just a buzz word. Each engineer is unique, with their own strengths, weaknesses, passions, needs, and motivations. Engineers work best when they are in flow.

I lead implementing strategies and policies (ask me about infrastructure sprint!) that help boost engineer interaction, participation, and satisfaction. Even more importantly, I enjoy fostering a team culture where egos can truly be dropped, creating states of flow where feedback is seen as just that - feedback, a mechanism to help each other, the product, and company grow.


FEInfra is meant to be a collaborative, open source project to help FE architects exchange advice and tips on how to engineer beautiful, seamless applications. You are encouraged to comment, make PRs, etc!


All content here is licensed under CC0. Meaning you're pretty much free to do with is as you wish. Attribution is appreciated but not required.

Last updated