Backend Integration
Am I designing Backend? Or Just FE?
Already written? Writing together with BE? Proposing?
Protocols: Sockets? REST? GraphQL? GRPC? Mix of each (REST for one time info, Sockets for Stock Prices)
Error Handling
Retry Mechanism?
Messaging to the user
Long Async Requests
Ex: Buy operation that may take 1+ minutes, chunked buy (buy shares as they become available)
Push messaging when operation is complete, email, think about this flow Multi Day operations - clearing of funds (prob email)
Interaction with BE
Something like OpenAPI/Swagger to sync on documentation/API contract
Generating TypeScript Types from OpenAPI
Are we synching API versions between releases?
Make sure FE is released at same time as corresponding BE Major releases.
Minor releases? Breaking API releases?
How do we make sure nothing breaks as BE changes?
Integration testing strategy
Last updated